Sunday, January 26, 2020

Wireless Body Area Network Technology

Wireless Body Area Network Technology INTRODUCTION A Body Area Network is defined by IEEE 802.15 as a standard for communication in or near the human body that can serve a variety of applications like medical testing, electronics and private entertainment optimized for low power devices and operation [1]. In more common terms, to cooperate for the benefit of the user Body Area Network is a device system in a close contact to a person’s body. A Wireless Body Area Network is capable of establishing a wireless communication link consists of intelligent and small devices implanted or attached in the body. These devices provide health monitoring for continuous and provides feedback to the medical personnel or user which is real time. The measurements can be recorded and used over a long period of time. There are two types of devices can be used for evaluation: sensors and actuators. The sensors, internal or external, are implanted on body to measure some parameters of the human body. For example body temperature, measuring the heartbeat or recording an ECG readings. The actuators can take some specific actions according to the data received from the sensors e.g., any sensor equipped with a built-in reservoir checks the correct dose of insulin to give, based on the glucose level measurements, to a diabetics patient. In body area network for medical purposes, a number of sensors are implanted on patient’s body. These sensors collect the data from body and send collected data to the main sensor. This main sensor analyzes the data and takes specific action. It sometimes consists of actuator which is used for taking required action. For eg. the sensors collect the data from body of a diabetic patient and sends it the main sensor. The main sensor analyzes the data and if it is dropped then it can inject insulin into the body of the patient and make it comfortable till the main medical aid it gets. IEEE 802.15.4 is a standard for low-rate (LR) WPANs. A LR-WPAN network allows wireless connectivity in applications with limited power, low cost and simple communication and relaxed throughput requirements.[4] Ease of installation, extremely low cost, reliable data transfer, short-range operation and a reasonable battery life are the main objective. There are different type of topologies are used in communication system for different purposes and according to our need. Topologies which are used widely are : Star ,Mesh and Cluster, Ring, Bus topology. On the basis of average jitter, throughput, end –to-end delay, traffic bits sent, traffic bits received, we can find out that which topology is good for our system. With different topologies come different routing protocols. The routing protocols to be used with zigbee protocol are AODV, DYMO, DSR etc. In wireless communication, there is no any fixed or dedicated route is assigned between two nodes for communication. Whenever , they want to communicate with each other or any other node they request for route to the system and these routing protocols , according to their properties find out the best route for communication. That route will be shorter in length so that their won’t be any delay. Body area network is being used very widely in today’s high tech world. Mainly for body area sensors detection, health monitoring and for providing assistance to differently able persons. Below are some of the advantages of Body Area Network:- Quick transmission time Reliability Good quality of service Different data rates can be used Compatibility Low power required (as work on battery) Security (because of encryption) Portable As there are many kind of routing protocols and topologies are available for communication. There are routing protocols like AODV, DYMO, Bellman ford ,LANMAR etc but it depends on type of requirement and demand that which protocol is suitable for our purpose. So, in this project we will try to find out that which routing protocol is better for our system with suitable toplogy like star, mesh etc. In this project we have zigbee based wireless sensors for monitoring. It defines the upper layers like physical and MAC layer. It is suitable choice for monitoring medical purpose sensors. Every node will sense the data from body and collected data will be sent to main node. We will design and simulate these systems on Qualnet then we will make comparison between them on the basis of throughput, average jitter, average end-to-end delay etc. The performance of each topology will be compared with every routing protocol. TECHNOLOGY TO BE USED BODY AREA NETWORK Introduction With the invent of new and high tech environment there is need of small, low power, light weight, portable devices with sensors. These devices can be used at low data rates for improving speed and accuracy. A number of these devices can be implemented on body for the monitoring of body sensor networks for applications such as health monitoring. In a body area network , it consists of small, portable devices that can be easily implanted on one’s body and they can establish wireless network link. These devices take the data continuously for health monitoring and provide real time readings to the medical examiners. These readings can be recorded and can be used for long time. A body area network generally consists of actuators and sensors, which can be implanted on or inside the body. These sensors are used to collect data. Like for eg. taking heartbeats, taking readings of ECG or temperature of body etc. The actuators take required actions on the basis of data they receive from sensors or from users. Sometimes these actuators have in-built pumps or reservoirs that keep on checking the dose of insulin and it can inject it inside body if needed. It is helpful for diabetic patients. The communication with other person or user can be done by portable wireless devices such as smart phone or PDA. The body area network works on the principle in which data is received through implanted devices and transmitted to external devices. The sensors implanted in or outside the body interact with one another and to the actuators. The actuator is based on the process of taking action according to the surrounding conditions. All the sensors send their data to main sensor. The main sensor collects the data from each sensor, fuses it and sends it to the particular person via internet. Generally, body area network comprise of small sensors and devices therefore ad-hoc network is best suitable choice for this kind of network. The IMEC (Interuniversity Micro Electronics Center) working on the principle to get hospital to the nearest location with patient. It is gives the patient the freedom of not going to hospital on regular basis for checking and taking his readings. The patient is now out of worries of regular check-up. The devices itself will take the readings and pass it to the concerned doctor and according to the readings it can take required action too, without the need of any medical personnel, in case of emergency. Architecture A body area network has a network created in or around the human body. The architecture of the body area network is as shown below. Figure 2.1 Architecture of body area network Figure 2.2 Core of body area network The proposed architecture of body area network as shown in figure 2.1 consists of following elements : Sensors: These are used to collect data from the different parts of the body continuously and transmitted this data to main sensor. Main sensor: The main sensors collect the data from other sensors and fuse it together. Then it supplies this data to coordinator. Coordinator: The coordinator analyzes the data and takes suitable action, if required otherwise send this data to PDA being used by the user. PDA or smart phone : These are the devices which get data in the form required from the sensors and transmit over the network to the laptop or desktop, wherever it is being recorded for future purpose. The core of body area network as shown in figure 2.2 consists of several body sensor units (BSU) and one body control unit (BCU). Applications 1. Medical Applications With the invent of new technology and fast processing, there was need of speed, comfortablity and convenience in the field of health monitoring too. So, with the help of body area network, it became possible and easy to monitor the health of patient remotely. 2. Sports Applications In the field of medical, it can check the health of athletes and can give a accurate and clear picture about it to their coaches so that they can determine their weaknesses and strengths. It can be used in measuring many factors during competitions like race. This kind of observation can be done anywhere and there is no need of going to laboratory and running on trademills everytime for taking readings. 3. Entertainment Applications Body area network can be used for entertainment also. It can be used for gaming, multimedia applications, 3D video and video buffering etc. Issues involved 1. Sensors: What type of sensors should be used? The types of sensors to be used depend on the requirement and purpose. 2. Source of power: These devices are to be used for a long time and continuously therefore power source should be continuous and strong. 3. Communication Range: The range of the system should be such that it can give person nearest location help and should not get disconnected even if it is far. 4. Size and weight: The size of the sensor should be small enough to be get implanted on body easily and weight should be as minimum as possible. Because a number of sensors are to be implanted on body so it should not be difficult for the person to carry them over his body. 5. Mounting of sensor: The sensors should be implanted at the correct point of the body so that sensors can take the readings correctly. If they are mounted incorrectly then system may not get the required reading. If the sensors have to count heartbeats then sensors should be placed near heart for taking data. 6. Robustness: There is very less probability of taking wrong readings if the readings are taken incorrectly then it can cause big problems. 7. Synchronization: The sensors should be synchronized with each other and with main sensor. They should be working in real time. 8. Cost: The cost of the system should be low so that more number of persons can use it and could be used for mass production. ZIGBEE PROTOCOL Introduction SIMULATION AND RESULTS Simulation is the main process of finding out the performance of the proposed system. It tells us the ability and efficiency of the particular system when it is used under different system, surrounding and environmental conditions. It tells us that how really our system is going to work in a real environment and what factors should be taken care of while using and designing it .So, instead of designing any factory prototype of system before , it is simulated and ran on software by virtually designing it. In this project we are working for IEEE 802.15.4 zigbee protocol for body sensor network. We have used two topologies : star and mesh. We have used software QUALNET 5.0 for simulation of our scenarios that is star and mesh for different routing protocols such as AODV and DYMO. QUALNET 5.0 is a product of scalable technologies and is a good software for designing and simulating wired and wireless networks such as wi-fi, wi-max, GSM etc. There are a number of protocols available for simulation of different type of systems. It also has 802.15.4 protocol for zigbee which can be used for designing body area network prototypes. Qualnet is chosen because of its accuracy and its available graphical user interface. Using qualnet we designed star and mesh topologies containing PAN co-ordinator, routers and a number of sensor elements and then we developed them for different routing protocols such as AODV and DYMO. After developing them, we tested and compared them for throughput, end-to-end delay, average jitter etc. So that we can find out better performing routing protocol for respective topology used. The simulation results are shown as per respective factor for different topology showing performance on different routing protocol. THROUGHPUT: Any routing protocol in any network can send only a fixed amount of data over the route so if we are having a large bit message then we have to divide that data into a number of packets that can be transferred over the route to the destination. These packets have size which is applicable for the route. When these are sent over the network then some of the packets can get corrupted due to the noise or lost or discarded and not all of the sent packets will be received by the receiver. Then, throughput comes into picture which is the rate of the successful transfer of packets. It is measured in bps that is bits per second. Below are the simulation results for throughput of star and mesh topologies : The above result is shown for the throughput comparison of star topology for AODV and DYMO routing protocol at different nodes . It can be seen from the figure that the throughput is same for both. The above result shows the comparison of mesh topology for AODV and DYMO routing protocol. From the above result we can see that throughput for DYMO is very less than the AODV. So it can be concluded that AODV is better than DYMO for mesh topology. AVERAGE JITTER: When a number of packets are transmitted over a network then there can be some delay (latency) over the network due to which the receiver will receive packet after the expected time. The variability in time can be observed for various networks. This variability in latency is jitter. A network which has no latency or constant latency has no jitter. The above result is shown for comparison of average jitter of star topology for AODV and DYMO routing protocol. It can be seen from the above result that average jitter for AODV is larger than DYMO so it can be concluded that DYMO is better than AODV for star because it has less dealys for packet transmission. Also, it can be concluded that there will be less collision in DYMO because it is taking less time for transmission. The above result is shown for comparison of mesh topology for AODV and DYMO routing protocol for average jitter. It can been seen from the result that DYMO has less jitter than AODV. That means DYMO is better than AODV because it has less latency. Also, it can be concluded that there will be less collision in DYMO because it is taking less time for transmission. Same was the result for star topology so it can be concluded that DYMO is better when it comes to the performance based on the jitter.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Just In Time Essay

Just-In-Time or J-I-T is defined in the APICS dictionary as â€Å"a philosophy of manufacturing based on planned elimination of all waste and on continuous improvement of productivity. † To put it simply, it means products are produced in the necessary quantities at the necessary time, basically, everything happens just in time. It promises to provide a tailored solution for business matching none of the off-the-shelf software available in the market. It believes that it must adapt to its customers not the other way around. It takes its name from the idea of replenishing material buffers just when they are needed. Also known as lean production or stockless production, it seeks to improve profits and ROI by the reduction of inventory levels, by increasing inventory turnover rate, by the reduction of variability, by the improvement of product quality, by the reduction of production and delivery lead times and by the reduction of other costs like those that are associated with machine set up and equipment breakdown. It applies to repetitive manufacturing processes where it involves the same products and components being produced over and over again. J-I-T, a recognized philosophy, technique or way of working takes its root in Japan. Developed by the Toyota Motor Company in the mid-1970’s, it was originally known as Toyota Production System (TPS). Toyota’s Taiichi Ohno is after all the credited father of this way or working. He developed a system of production based on waste elimination. Waste, according to Ohno includes time and resources as well as materials. Just-in-time and autonomation were then born. The former means that items move through production as and when they are needed; and the latter means that production system must be automated to include inspection, where human attention was only called for when a defect was detected automatically, signaling a temporary stop in the system until the problem has been solved. J-I-T believes that waste and its many forms must be eliminated. These wastes can be in the form of materials, space and labor. Problems that may lead to the production of such wastes are paid close attention to. There has been a constant improvement on operation and procedures to finely tune them in to an increase in productivity. Ordering or holding costs can be reduced. And there must also be a continuous effort to strive to improve. This means an improvement on processes and systems to an efficient and competitive one. Moreover, a certain respect among the workers must be maintained. It assumes a stable environment and requires an active participation among the employees, the basics of industrial engineering, continuous improvement, small lot sizes and total quality control. Stock or inventory, overproduction, time spent waiting, transportation or movement, processing time as well as defects are considered to be unnecessary wastes. This techniques promises to render its users the benefits ranging from consistent high quality products, quality as a responsibility of every worker, uniform Master Production Schedule, standardization of components and work methods, product focus, preventive maintenance, reduced scrap, reduced re-work, reduced cycle times, lower set up time, smoother flow of production, less inventory, cost savings, higher productivity, more skilled and multi-tasking work force, reduced space requirements and improved relationships with suppliers and continuous improvement. Setting it apart from all the other traditional techniques applied which provides large amount of options available to its customers and accepts almost all orders, J-I-T targets a limited market in order to deliver high quality services at low cost. In terms of capacity, a traditional technique employs excess capacity designed into the system anticipating problems that may arise, they are highly utilized and are inflexible as opposed to that of J-I-T that minimizes waste of having extra capacity, and such is flexible and moderately utilized. In the traditional technique, there is a lot of space for inventory storage. Job shops are often converted to cellular manufacturing when J-I-T technique is employed. Traditional technique believes that long lead times allow more time to make decisions and get the job done. J-I-T on the other hand, believes that more accurate forecasting and planning can be done in short lead times. In terms of layout, a job shop in a traditional set up are spread-out to accommodate areas for stock rooms, tool cribs and work-in-the process inventories between the equipment. It even requires automated or semi-automated materials handling equipment in the form of conveyors and forklifts, another addition to an already big space requirement. In a J-I-T system, manual transfer is employed. Equipment is as close together to aid the handling over of parts from one worker or machine to the other. In terms of quality, in a traditional technique, goods are inspected at critical points and scrap rates are tracked. In the case of the J-I-T technique, workers themselves inspect parts to achieve the zero defects goal in the end. Toyota and its suppliers were alone in the use of the TPS for almost a decade. Not until the late 1970’s when other Japanese automobile manufacturers in the likes of Mazda, Honda and Nissan adopted the concept of J-I-T to continue to compete with arch rival Toyota. Then in the mid 1980’s US and European manufacturers like Chrysler, Ford and General Motors benchmarked the J-I-T philosophy. Other firms such as CM, Ford, Bendix, Harley-Davidson, IBM, Hewlett-Packard, AT&T and others have been strongly advocating J-I-T. There have been progresses in regaining competitiveness. Many firms are once again at if not near world class status. But J-I-T is not a revolution but an evolution. Not all accounts will be success stories. Managers only implement J-I-T when they are convinced that it can enhance the firm’s performance. This is true even though there have been a lot of testaments to the benefits that it claims to deliver to its clients. There have been studies that show that the implementation and maintenance of the J-I-T manufacturing systems will eventually reap rewards as measured by improved financial performance. J-I-T is not the end of an evolution- it actually is just the beginning. There will be new J-I-T generations to be born in the years to come. We all have to then learn how to embrace changes in order to improve and gain control of our growing enterprises. We can always take a pick amongst the ones available. The choice is ours to make. References Donath, Bob. Reduced warehouse storage/inventory costs. The IOMA Handbook of Logistics and Inventory Management, p. 310. Retrieved November 21, 2007 from

Thursday, January 9, 2020

An Introduction Of An Electronic World - 1265 Words

INTRODUCTION: AN ELECTRONIC WORLD In today’s electronically focused world, there are many, many different environmental concerns and questions brought up by consumers and businesses. Today’s world is very energy dependent and relies on electronics that can be harmful to the environment in both production and in disposal. As such, many high-ranking and popular businesses like Google, Citigroup, Dell, Verizon, and others have stepped up to push for sustainability in the IT world for the benefit of their business and for the consumer (computerworld, 2010). As more and more companies step forward to join in their footsteps, the cost of using sustainable practices will decrease, hopefully leading to even more companies making the switch until†¦show more content†¦They have already invested billions into changing their infrastructure over to more sustainable, renewable energy sources. Google’s director of energy and sustainability, Rick Needham, stated the reasoning for Google pushing so hard into the sustainability market is that â€Å"While fossil-based prices are on a cost curve that goes up, renewable prices are on this march downward. Even if you factor in how fracking has reduced the cost of gas in many regions, the pricing trends generally point toward renewables† (Kanellos, 2013). Of course, it makes sense if you think about it: fossil fuel will only be around for so long, since there is a limited amount of it on Earth, meaning over time, even if you become more efficient at burning fossil fuel and maximizing the energy gained from it, the cost of continuing to use fossil fuels will only continue to rise as supplies run short. GOOGLE AND RENEWABLE ENERGY On the other hand, renewable energy sources like wind, water, and solar are quite literally limitless natural resources. The only thing that keeps prices high for renewables is the efficiency rate of and relative newness of some of them. However, as renewable energy sources become more efficient as time goes on, prices are guaranteed to fall. In fact, some renewables have already greatly become more efficient. Wind turbines has increased their ‘capacityShow MoreRelatedQuestions On Electronic Fiscal Devices Essay830 Words   |  4 Pages2.0 Introductions This chapter summarized the studies from other researchers who have carried out their research in the same field of study. The specific areas covered are the background Electronic Fiscal devices and its challenges faced by user of EFD machines in Tanzania by drawing inference from all over the world. 2.1 Definitions of Electronic Fiscal devices Electronic fiscal device involve wide variety of technological devices that tax authorities use to monitor transactions (IMF, 2013). 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Essay on Health Promotion - 1670 Words

â€Å"Health is defined as a state of physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity† (WHO). Like wise health promotion is the process of increasing the functional capacity of all people hence promote the sense of well-being. In order to accomplish this goal all health care professionals have to work hard by submitting themselves to their patients and community as a whole. Thus globalize health promotion should be the ultimate mission for all health care team, especially for nurses. Nurses are the first level health care team therefore nurses should play as a role model to all human beings. They should hold various positions in order to achieve optimum results. In this evolving health industry†¦show more content†¦The impacts of health promotion are healthy population and healthy environments. People need to commit themselves in strengthening their learning skills and to change their necessary life styles in order to im prove their health. The Purpose of Health Promotion in Nursing Practice: Health promotion is utmost important to optimize and or to ensure a globalize good quality health. It is a multifactor approach and moreover the health care costs can be reduced to a great extent. Thus today’s bad economic condition can be changed greatly. This enables every individual to function effectively and appropriately. It is necessary to explore concepts of health by interactions between physical, social, psychological and spiritual aspects of life.(Edelman 2010). To prevent further progression of diseases and various opportunistic infections nurses should implement multiple health education strategies and teaching styles. While assessing the patients and their families, present health status, their education, economy, supportive systems, learning skills and its strategies all have to be taken in to consideration. Furthermore implementing primary, secondary and tertiary preventive measures to promote health of all populations in every country thus globalize health promotion is achievable. 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